I asked for and received not 1 but 2 kitchen timers this Christmas. Yummy..... I've been hankering for a timer that goes "ding!" and Santa was kind to me. =)
Monday, December 29, 2008
This one is for the time obsessed
I asked for and received not 1 but 2 kitchen timers this Christmas. Yummy..... I've been hankering for a timer that goes "ding!" and Santa was kind to me. =)
What kind of Flower are you?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
It warms a knitter's heart
Thursday, December 18, 2008
This is what I want for Xmas

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Reading and writing
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Mittens! Video! Tigers, oh My!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Now that the election is over

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I'm so addicted!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Someone is out there!

Saturday, October 4, 2008
5 inches into the Hjalte
$!^%@! (I seriously thought “maybe I can just continue in smaller needles and no one will know….)
ARG!!! 2 days it took to rip and fix 2 inches. Now, 2 more days later, I’m back at the "pre-rip" point. Arg… The only thing that made me feel better is knowing the 2nd time will go faster since I’ll be using bigger needles. And the fact that I made the husband watch as I ripped back. =)
The picture is the fixed version, measuring about 5 inches in length. The cables are starting to show, and they remind me of tree branches!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Some More Charity Knitting and a Swatch
Friday, September 19, 2008
Try to pronunce "Hajlte"....

Mr Timmy, the love of my life, picks out this little beauty he'd like me to make for him. It’s called Hjalte from Guy Knits : The Best of Knitter’s Magazine.
I started reading through the pattern yesterday and it’s instilling fear in my poor knitting hands…. Not my first or even second choice, but alas, the dear hubby unit wants a sweater…. I hope he knows how much I’m willing to suffer for him!!
I’m planning to do the gauge swatch tonight and maybe knit a sample of the charts in the pattern. Did I mention it calls for FINGERING weight yarn?!?! Oh just kill me….

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Eyelet Zigzag stitch is in a multiple of 7 stitches. I wanted a 3 st border around the blanket.
So I cast on 3+(7x)+3 number of stitches. X is the number of pattern repeats that made the blanket as wide as I wanted.
Basic pattern is:
Knit 6 rows of garter st
Knit 3, repeat pattern until 3 st left. Knit 3.
Monday, September 8, 2008
- less than an hour later
"Never underestimate the temptation that the pursuit of statistical fact provides to a maths major.
Sorted numerically, in descending order:
Cancer: 8525
Virgo: 8219
Leo: 8141
Gemini: 8128
Taurus: 8125
Libra: 7951
Aries: 7864
Pisces: 7828
Scorpio: 7475
Aquarius: 7436
Capricorn: 7314
Sagittarius: 7253
of course, I should note that this data is not scientifically accurate since it is a self selected sample etc., etc. ;) all it proves is that Cancers are the Ravelers most likely to have inserted their birthdays into their profiles."
- another hour passes
"Ok, here’s what I got. Out of 94,260 birthdays in the data base, here is the breakdown:
Aries - 7889 members (8.4%)
Taurus - 8101 members (8.6%)
Gemini - 8150 members (8.6%)
Cancer - 8560 members (9.1%)
Leo - 8130 members (8.6%)
Virgo - 8164 members (8.7%)
Libra - 7985 members (8.5%)
Scorpio - 7516 members (8.0%)
Sagittarius - 7474 members (7.9%)
Capricorn - 7064 members (7.5%)
Aquarius - 7441 members (7.9%)
Pisces - 7774 members (8.2%)
Sounds like you guys’ hunches about the (Northern Hemisphere) summertime signs’ prevalence was correct, at least for the Ravellers that report their birth dates"
- In my mind... hum... numbers are different....
"Yeah, the differing dates is why my numbers and knitforneurons’ are off ever so slightly. I’m not sure where she picked her dates from, but I just copied mine from wikipedia. still, the results are similar."
- Me
Oh my goodness.... read on for more. This is FACINATING!!
Monday, September 1, 2008

Can I just say I LOVE Dawn of the Knit Naturally podcast? I love her straight-up, no-nonsense, shoot-from-the hip sense of humor and the Texan accent. Her Texas Purl Gurl blog is my new "must-read."
Oh man, she cracks me up.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Simple Crocheted Hat
But actually, this is my 2nd attempt at crocheting. My first attempt was about 4 years ago, and I gave up because I botched it so badly!
This one turned out better, but I learned I don’t like crochet. The hooking makes my hand sore, and I missed my knitting needles while I was doing this hat!
It was worth a try, however. I definitely can make those Amigurumi toys and I can add trim! And most importantly, it’s a great stash buster
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Lace for Boyz!
Since we're on the topic of knitting =), here is the single by the 2 guys of YKnit. My faaaaavorite thing so far this year!
May I present on their part: “Lace for Boyz” by WonderMike and hizKNITS.
(Full URL: http://yknit.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=328647)
I can listen to this all day!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Baby Bonnet
I made the pattern up in the car as we were driving to Auburn to visit friends. But it's really easy to recreate!
Just cast on about 40% bigger than how big the hat is really going to be, knit in stockinette for about an inch (or however long the brim should be), then decrease every 10 stitches or so (approx 10% of circumference) , then decrease every 8 st, then 6 st, and so forth until the circumference is how big the hat should really big.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
2 Toe Up Socks
This boyish is made with a heel flap and some shaping on the in-step. It takes a little more work, but I like the shape better!
This girlish one is made with a simple short row heel and no shaping at the in-step. It's so much easier to make, but the instep shaping seems a little bulgy to me.... Next time I do this type of sock, I’m going to add a few decreases (shall we say “bust darts?”) at the in-step to give it some shape.
All in all, I'm not sure which construction I like better. Maybe I can make a bigger pair using each style, and try them on for fit.
Some resources I found very useful:
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Dad's Vest
I based the look of the vest on the Basketweave Green vest by Kathy Zimmerman in the book “The Best of Guy Knits” (Published by XRS).
But I did not use Kathy’s pattern, instead I took the basketweave pattern from the “Field Guild book.”
Cast on 149 st, worked 2” k2p2 ribbing in size 5 needles, change to size 7 needles and con’t body until 14” from beginning.
Then worked armhole and neck shaping for left and right side similar to what Kathy’s pattern suggested. Work till armhole measures 9”. Work backside armhole the same, and cont’ till the same length as left and right sides.
I’m almost done with back now. Will update when done.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Family and Friends
But the hard part is knowing WHAT that other person would like! It would be so much easier if people who appreciate knitted things would just ask. Plus, it makes me feel special when people place "orders." It's a neat thing to be wanted!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Baby Vest Cardigan!
However, unless the next vest cardigan I make is completely stockinette, I will not steek but rather do the entire thing in once piece. I spent more time securing this baby vest than I spent knitting!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Knittin' Machine

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Sheep and wool

Well, in honor of sheep:
Baaah!! (Listen)
But don't look at the Url embedded in the image. The story is not friendly to fiber folks....
Monday, June 30, 2008
Color Test
Irene's Existing Situation
- Readily participates in things affording excitement or stimulation. Wants to feel exhilarated.
- An existing situation or relationship is unsatisfactory, but she feels unable to change it to bring about the sense of belonging which she needs. Unwilling to expose her vulnerability, she therefore continues to resist this state of affairs, but feels dependent on the attachment. This not only depresses her. but makes her irritable and impatient, producing considerable restlessness and the urge to get away from the situation, either actually or, at least, mentally. Ability to concentrate may suffer.
- Willing to become emotionally involved, but demanding and particular in her choice of a partner and in her relations with those close to her. Needs reassurance and is careful to avoid open conflict since this might reduce her prospects of realizing her hopes.
Circumstances are forcing her to compromise, to restrain her demands and hopes, and to forgo for the time being some of the things she wants.
- Seeks luxury, sensuous comfort, and the indulgence of a taste for the voluptuous.
Anxiety and a restless dissatisfaction, either with circumstances or with unfulfilled emotional needs, have produced considerable stress. She tries to escape from these into a conflict-free security in which she can relax and recover.
![]() | Click here to read the rest of the results. |
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Done with the Voyager Stole
Search for sleeveless cardigan pattern

Man, I never knew it was so hard to find such a thing!! The cardigan (aka button up vest) is for my dad, so I want to find a "good" looking vest that's also fairly easy to make. (Easy meaning not much sewing up of pieces.)
I think I'm going to start with a pattern generator (KnitWare is so far my favorite, because the directions are clear and the diagrams are very good) then tweek it so it's in the round. I might try steeking because it *seems* easier than having to work the top portion of the front and back pieces.
Of course I'm going to make a small doll/child vest first to try. My goal is to finish my dads vest by the end of next week, which means I should finish the sample vest by this weekend. We'll see!
Friday, June 27, 2008
1. KnitScience Podcast (and the KnitScience Blog)
2. Math4Knitters Podcast (and the Math4Knitters Blog)
And one plug for the Double Knit podcast (the Blog is the same url). I LOVE the last episode where they REALLY gave the lowdown on TNNA!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Haeckler's Myrtle Leaf Shawl
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Stole update
First, the yarn is snaggy and hairy, so I have to be very careful in where I stick my needles. I'm using my KnitPicks metal needles, which are known to be sharp. But the yarn is suck that the stitches doesn't want to be picked up cleanly.
Second, for some reason (maybe it's the podcasts I'm *trying* to listen to at the same time), I keep loosing count on the pattern or dropping stitches. Granted the pattern is 10 rows total, 13 stitches for each repeat. And each row's pattern is different, and each row has different stitch count. The overall pattern is not all that complex, but I can't memorize it (10*13 = 130 different stitches to remember) no matter that I've worked 209 rows so far.
Knitting late at night and with a podcast doesn't help. The only time I didn't mess up as much was during our honeymoon. Maybe it's because I was so relaxed, or because I didn't have work in the day to exhaust my brain cells.
Ah work.... it's been exhausting my brain cells. The good thing is that we get the 4th of July week off. Inspired by the Casey's Voyager Stole KAL thread, I've made it my goal to finish this darn stole before the end of this coming week. I want to work on my dad's vest during the time off, and to watch my long-awaiting Elizabeth Zimmermann DVDs. Man.... I totally understand why people love to knit socks and baby things. Big projects drag on like a bad break up!
Friday, June 13, 2008
How I started
Here is what I wrote:
I first learned to knit….I believe when I was frustrated by work or something. I somehow found my way into a Michael’s (doesn’t most people?) and picked up one of those “Learn to Knit” kits. It came with a thin book, some needles, and other supplies. They still sell them now, by the way!! And that’s how I got started, thanks to that little kit!
And yes, I did the scarf and hat. Then made a cabled afghan that took 3 years (it seemed like). Now that I’ve settled down and re-prioritized my life so work is not #1, I’m finding myself crazy (CRAZY!!!) about knitting! I crave it every night, and every weekend. I hope I’m not the only one!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Voyager update

Length of the latest picture is at 140 rows. The width is for 8 pattern repeats. I’m looking forward to wearing it in the over-Air-Conditioned offices and restaurants in the summer!
And one question: I can’t seem to knit lace and listen to pod casts at the same time. Yesterday it took me a hour to knit 5 rows with my headset on (half the time I was ripping back to fix mistakes!). Then finally I took the headset off, and flew threw 5 more rows in half hour. Arg… but I LIKE knitting and listening at the same time! TV in the background is just not the same (especially what the hubby likes to watch!).
p.s. Here are some images from Moab, UT.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Voyager Stole - 2nd try
All I wanted to do was knit yesterday (amazing I even got my butt out to get this week's groceries!). Completed 8 inches. Here it is!
Voyager Stole - first try
It’s such a beautiful yarn, but it’s a pain to knit with! =(
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mentall done
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Fish Yeah!

Look! I'm almost done! The only things left I want to try is the afterthought pocket and steaking.
I did the cable bind off, the ribbing bind off, the lace bind off, AND the knitted cord bind off. They are so cool! The bind offs are what made me really happy. I think the textures are just SOOOOO cool!!
I was so happy and proud last night. I kept turning the fish around and around, showing off to Tim.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Sampler Fish Almost
I skipped over the yo-K2tog section, the knitted belt and the knitted cord section because I've done them before.
But I did find in the two-color knitting section, the trick of weaving in colors without moving the entire ball very useful. And in the bind off section, I find that I REALLY like the knitted cord bind-off! It gives the edge such an interesting and cute finish!
Still, I'll be so happy to finish this.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sampler WIP
I cast on 80 stitches instead of specified 64, so the FO will be bigger than the original. (It's already *HUGE* in my eyes!) And I didn’t follow all of the ribbing instructions.
So far, I did 2 sets of the twisted stitch, 1 set where I did p1kb every round, and 1 set where I did p1kb for one round, p1k1 for one round. I don’t really see the difference in tension, but I like the p1kb every round better.
I'm definitely treating this as a throwaway piece, and playing with whatever stitch/technique I feel like. Kinda fun and liberating in a way.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Caramel and Baby Set
The entire thing took about 2 days. The hat was based from EZ’s basic swatch hat pattern, the ball was based on a design by Phoenix Bess in the Holiday 2007 issue of Knit simple. The booties were hand-written, given to me by an absolute stranger in an airplane!