Well, I've done NO knitting for the past week. In fact, I feel like I've done nothing except walk and feed and clean up after Moose. In between the Moose-every-2-hour schedule, I try to squeeze in some work and sleep and making of dinner. Thankfully Tim helps with the clean up when the little guy makes a mess (so far only a few accidents). And Tim plays with Moosey which gives me some time to clean up after dinner.
Whew! It's a full time job taking care of him for the two of us!
So no knitting, and no gym. But the little guy is growing and learning! In the past 5 days, he has gained 0.4 lbs and learned to "come" and is *almost* potty trained! Whoo hoo!! I can't wait for the day when he will tell me he needs to go, instead of me taking him out just in case.
Here is Moosey on his favorite toy: Our socks.

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