Before said Moose, I heard there was a hobby called "knitting" which involved 2 needles and very beautiful yarn. Hum.... Maybe if I got hypnotized, I think I can recall having such an experience a long long time back....
Dream sequence (imagine harp playing in background): I am on vacation with a well-behaved Moose by my side, some KnitPicks circs* and their new tweed yarn in my hands. Lots of "nothing time" to knit and purl and knit and purl. Now I am transported to a knitting cruise out in some tropical place, I learn from the masters. I end the boat ride at Webs where I am given a HUGE gift certificate and 3 days to shop my brains out. Sigh....dreamy....
Anyway, our week-long company summer shutdown is starting at 5PM this evening. And I WILL FINISH Sandy's sweater if it kills me. I will knit until my hands bleed (or until Moose bites me) but I am KNITTING!!!! ARG!!!! Any addict who's gone through withdrawal can sympathize with me. This itch needs to be scratched NOW!

* circs, by the way, is short for circular knitting needles. My weapon of choice.
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