Neato things on Etsy

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It's been so long since I last posted!  In the past few weeks I finished a sweater for Tim's mom and a scarf for my friend Rushan.  No pictures yet since I still need to block the 2 pieces.  Tim says he will get me a dedicated "blocking" bucket for my knitting (thanks Hon!).  I can't wait since it'll make the job much easier compared to using the bathtub!

It's also been a busy month for us!  My friend Rushan (for whom I made the scarf) got married.  Her husband is French and I swear the entire French population showed up at the wedding.  I never knew there were so many French people in the Bay Area!

Here is the Bride and me at the shower:

And the Bride and Groom (aka Benoit)

Now the whole family!

(The little girl on the low left was just the cutest! She was so bubbly and full of laughs!)

Monday, August 2, 2010


I was hit by the worst case of migraine yesterday.  The vomit-inducing beast reared its head right after lunch when I started seeing bright spots.  We were out and about, and I managed to get some chores done. As soon as we got home, however, I just died on the bed.  

For the  the rest of the day I was debilitated and whiny.  Thankfully Tim was so helpful; he took Moose out when I couldn't bear the thought of being vertical, and he got himself dinner (even though I knew how much he would have rather stayed at home).  

I went to bed around 9PM after attempting (unsuccessfully) to knit.  The nice thing is that Moose decided to join me in bed and keep me company!  =)  He's such a sweet puppy.

I feel better now after a long night's rest.  I am hoping and praying the monster stays away.  I don't get 
migraines often, but when I do it knocks me down like nothing else.